Grammar – Sentences



When we write, it is mainly to communicate, usually for business dealings, friendly greetings, or entertainment.

The main structure of our written language involves speaking or writing in sentences. Sometimes we can get away with using sentence fragments, a word or two to get the meaning across, or to emphasize something, but more often when we want no misunderstanding, especially in business, we use complete sentences.

With so many people texting, the use of conventional grammar and sentence structure is quickly falling away. Writing correctly is suddenly a bigger challenge than it once was.

I would like to offer a series of posts that discuss the use of “proper” grammar and sentence structure.

Today’s post is going to be simple, but we should start at the beginning.

What is a sentence?

We have sentences that serve various purposes.

Telling something or conveying an idea (declarative sentence):

My dog is a cocker spaniel.

Asking a question (interrogative sentence):

Do you like dogs?

Giving a command (imperative):

Feed my dog, please.

Expressing strong feeling (exclamatory sentence):

Watch out for the car!


In the declarative sentence we have two parts to the sentence; the subject and the predicate. The subject is either a noun or a pronoun (I, you, he, she, it, we, they), and the predicate is a verb.

Here are some examples. The subject is in red, and the predicate is in green.

Plants grow.

Children laugh.

They shout.

We run.

Those are pretty simple sentences. Often we use articles (a, an, the) in front of a noun. We also add modifiers to describe the nouns. These are called adjectives. Modifiers that describe the verb are called adverbs.

In the examples below, the adjectives will be blue and the adverbs will be orange.

The tropical plants grow vigorously.

The happy children laugh heartily.


More about sentence structure next time.

11 thoughts on “Grammar – Sentences

  1. I remember our teachers drilling all of this into us, including all the various phrases etc. I loved when my grade 10 teacher wrote long complex sentences on the board and we had to identify all the parts. It was like solving puzzles.

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  2. This series will be a keeper for me. I actually do these things with sentences automatically. I don’t think about them anymore and forget the names of the grammar terms. I don’t know how to name them anymore, so this helps. Thanks, Anneli.

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    • That’s so good to hear, Lori. I know that many of my readers already know this basic “stuff” but many of those have also forgotten the names of the parts of speech. Or, they know how it should go but they don’t know why. I hope those who know all the grammar basics won’t be offended by my efforts to post a few little review lessons.

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